Let's create your ready-to-launch marketing plan

From strategy to execution, we'll provide ideas to accelerate your growth.

What would you like help with?

Select all that apply
  • SEO
  • Paid Ads
  • Organic Social
  • Creative For Ads
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Website Optimization
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Web Design
  • Other

On which channels would you like to run ads?

Select all that apply
  • Google Ads
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Amazon
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • TikTok
  • Snapchat
  • Reddit
  • AppleSearch Ads
  • Other

What is your main marketing goal?

  • Get my first clients
  • Increase my current sales
  • Explore additional markets or channels for my products
  • Other

What is the timeline for your goal?

  • ASAP
  • 1-2 months
  • 3-4 months

What is your monthly marketing budget?

  • Less than $2k
  • $2k - $10k
  • $10k - $30k
  • $30k - $100k
  • $100k - $500k
  • $500k - $1M
  • $1M+
  • I don't know

Anything else you want to tell us now?

Finally, tell us about yourself!

Business Website:
Business Email:
Phone Number (optional):
Job Role:
How did you hear about us?:

Thank you!

Our experts have received your info and are preparing your custom marketing plan. We'll be in touch shortly! You can always contact us at info@galacticfed.com

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